a note to my community

My fees include all taxes and transaction fees. What you see is what you pay.

Also, I am happy I can make massage therapy more accessible to more people. I offer a sliding scale fee schedule of $80-100 per hour for the purpose of holding my clients in supportive community when that is needed. You choose what you pay, no questions asked.

Note that this sliding scale applies only to 60-minute integrative holistic massage services (not to 90-minutes or Soma®).


For optimized, fast recovery. Your body can feel and work even better than it did before your injury! Pull it together with integrative massage and feel yourself again.

the best massage therapy: gentle yet super effective, toning the myofascia and the nervous system for less stress and less pain and results that last and last.

Complements medical and chiropractic care, as long as you’re cleared to receive massage therapy.

I swirl the science behind PAIN + stress RELIEF with a boutique-level experience.

Perfect for • chronic and acute low back pain • sciatica and piriformis syndrome • mid-back pain between the shoulder blades •upper back, shoulder and neck pain • shoulder pain and limited range of motion • knee, lower leg and foot pain •fibromyalgia • osteoarthritis• complex injury + pain


You wouldn’t run your car into the ground, right? Well, your body’s also here for the long haul. Take care of it!

Massage is crucial for creatives, hobbyists, service professionals, desk workers + computer/tech workers.

Perfect for maintaining nervous system balance. Enhances your own self-care and stress-relief habits. Builds flow and ease into body and mind.

FOR THOSE WHO want to keep doing WHAT THEY LOVE.

Get in flow + feel more creative, capable, resilient. Tune up the body, supercharge the brain.


Your goal is simple yet elusive: to secure total freedom to be yourself and to feel good doing it. 

Yes, Soma® would be perfect for you. 

Soma® attunes body and mind to a higher level of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual existence and sparks an incandescent inner life.

Soma® literally embodies your personal commitment to fully expressing your authentic voice, and core values. 

Soma® heals pain, enhances creativity, activates and orients a person to deeply-sourced (embodied) wisdom by optimizing the myriad interconnections of the body’s fascia, our intrinsic structural, piezoelectrical, and communication network.

Customized movement education, awareness practices, breath work. Everything important that you never learned in school!

Practice living joyfully • Develop ways + words to express yourself fully • Tune into your body, feelings, and sensations • Live more holistically with your body as an ally • Awaken the inner life • Live authentically • Get pain-free • Create healthy habits • Develop mindfulness + reflective practices like journaling and self-awareness • Affirm your core values

Much, much more about Soma® here.


Services provided at your home—as long as that’s 20 miles or fewer from my office as the Google Maps flies. Add 100- 


  • 60 MINUTES • 80- to 100- (sliding scale)

    Holistic, integrative massage therapy for treatment of pain or injury, self-care, maintenance, wellness, stress relief, or relaxation. Included:

    • Plenty of time at the end to gently transition back to your day

    All taxes + applicable transaction fees included. Sliding fee scale available.

  • 90 MINUTES • 150-

    Holistic, integrative massage therapy for treatment of pain or injury, self-care, maintenance, wellness, stress relief, or relaxation. Included:

    • Plenty of time at the end to gently transition back to your day

    All taxes + applicable transaction fees included. Sliding fee scale available.

  • 120 MINUTES • 200-

    Soma® Neuromuscular Structural Integration work (“series” work) ONLY. Included:

    • Movement education tailored to your body’s needs

    • Thought-provoking takeaways to help you deeply integrate your in-studio work into your daily life

    • Plenty of time at the end to gently transition back to your day

    All taxes + applicable transaction fees included.

“she is by far the best at helping me reconnect my brain with my body. amazing.”

— Brian